Delta Daily Cleaner 20ml

Product Description

For daily cleaning of oxygen-permeable rigid contact lenses.

Your tear fluid naturally contains protein; when you wear contact lenses, these proteins lose their original structure within a few hours and form a film on the surface of the contact lenses. Precipitation may impair visual acuity and irritate the eyes. For durable, oxygen-permeable contact lens daily cleaning, CooperVision® was developed by Delta Daily Cleaner.

Why choose Delta Daily Cleaner?

  • Daily cleaner- gently and thoroughly cleans
  • Purifying - contains anionic and amphoteric surfactants that effectively remove proteins and lipids from your contact lenses - for clear vision and healthy eyes.
  • Long-lasting - does not contain abrasive cleaning particles - less abrasion reduces the risk of scratches and premature wear.
  • Delta Daily Cleaner does not contain preservatives and is usually tolerated by sensitive eyes and allergy sufferers.

A combination of amphoteric and, surface active agents.


* Once opened, Delta Daily Cleaner is valid for 3 months.

Product Information
Volume 20ml
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Estimated shipping country Latvia Latvia and language English

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